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you should make them for VR port that would be so cool

Another banger from Aza! I was not expecting the ending at all, and you did a very good job at creating a constantly eerie environment!

Although I do agree with another commentor that it was a little hard to see but granted im blind asf 😭

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Thanks man much appreciated glad you had fun with the game! Working on the last one in the series coming soon! Cheers

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing!

(5 edits)

I enjoyed it, but I think there are a couple of problems.

I didn't know what mission to do at the beginning of the game and had to rely on YouTube strategy videos. It would be better to present the things to do like other missions.

I'm a japanese,but I couldn't quite figure out “Izo families.” This is a surname that is not often seen in real Japan. It may be fiction. In this game, flowers could be offered to the graves of the Shimazaki and the Amazaki families.

The time-limited and refillable lanterns and the picking of locks that only allow four failed attempts are game-like specifications, but I think they are hard to play for the first time. The finite lanterns are common in other games, but the picking requires a knack for manipulation, and I think it is a killer for first-timers.

It was strange that the large Buddha statues and statues that were originally inside the temple were smaller and placed outside like Jizo statues. In actual Japan, such a scene does not exist, and Buddhist statues are installed inside temples.

There are other Japanese people besides me who are pointing out strange things in the comments that don't correspond to real cemeteries, but what they're saying is correct.

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Yes some things are fiction due to creative freedom. You are told in the dialogue to find the fertilizer bag in the beginning of the game, each other objective is furthermore displayed on screen. Inside the shed next to the lockbox are 3 extra packages you can pickup with 6 lockpicks in each. Thanks for playing! 

That was definitely a creepy experience. I was pretty lost in this game though. Maybe I just had an off night or something but I struggled to figure out what to do almost every step of the way. It was a cool story though once I got through it and found out what was happening there. Thanks for the fun, my friend!


Thanks for playing my friend glad you managed to pull through. The final game in this short series will be out in June! Cheers

Thanks for playing!

This was the 2nd game I played that you created. It was an okay experience, the scares got me and the environment was nice. I personally had a hard time with seeing, especially with it raining on your eyes. I can't wait to try all the others you created.  Good job, nonetheless!


Thanks for playing and thanks for your feedback! The final game in this short series will be out in June. Stay tuned for more :D Cheers!

Thanks for playing!

I know you want to focus on the atmosphere, but the poor visibility made it difficult to collect items.

Hello. Yes atmosphere is very important to me.

If you find it difficult remember to combine fresh oil with your lantern in your inventory too see better if you haven't already. Improves your visibility greatly as the oil slowly drains. Thanks for your feedback!

Hello, I am a Japanese fan of the games you make!

I especially love the Incident series!

I have played both Umeru and Sabishii.

I enjoyed the story, although I felt uncomfortable with some details of the Japanese culture.

Please support Japanese language!

I also wrote down some of the Japanese culture that I felt uncomfortable with.

I would be happy if it would be helpful!

・Japanese grave keepers don't carry lanterns very often. I think a flashlight is more realistic.

・In Japan, when a person dies, he/she is cremated and rarely buried in the ground. After the body is burned in a place called a crematorium, the bones are placed in a ceramic vessel called an urn, and the family takes them home. After that, the family asks a temple or cemetery to build a grave and enshrine the remains.

・In Japan, family members are responsible for cleaning the graves. Once a year, during the period called "Obon," people visit the graves to offer flowers to the dead, clean the graves, and greet their ancestors. Obon is in the summer.

Thank you for making games about Japan!

I look forward to seeing your new work!

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Thanks for your support and feedback!

1. The reason for a lantern instead of a flashlight is simply because flashlights are very overused in many horror games.

2. Yes i am familiar with the process, while most are buried with their body in my country, cremation still occurs as well in a very similar way.

3. Very cool fact about Obon i did not know that! Although here the family is also responsible for cleaning their family members graves.

Thank you for checking out and supporting my work and i look forward to bring you the third and final game in this short series. As for localization i will have to see about adding that. Thanks again!

Obon is the season when the spirits of ancestors are said to come home, and people make and decorate vehicles resembling horses made from vegetables so that ancestral spirits can ride them home, or build a small fire at the entrance so that they do not wander off.

So summer is the season of horror in Japan!

It's almost summer in Japan, so people want to play lots of horror games.

I'm looking forward to it!

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Another awesome game from my friend!

Im excited to see what more has to come from you

I thought this was cool, i liked the context, the spooks, the atmosphere was something. Here is my video!

Thanks my friend! Glad you enjoyed the game!
Third and final installment on the way! Thank you so much for your support and as always for checking out all my stuff!

I have been looking forward to the new game you are creating!It was very spooky and fun!I am glad you made a horror game set in Japan!This is my fault, but I didn't quite understand the relationship between NIYA and the head-only woman because of my lack of understanding.I look forward to your next game.Thanks for making a great game!

Glad you enjoyed it! Not your fault really, NIYA is more connected with the Aku doll and the story itself, meanwhile the head-only woman is a vengeful onryo spirit trapt within the cemetery due to her tragic death.  Thank you so much!
If you wanna get sneak peaks at the third and final game you can follow me at

Thanks for the reply!You have helped me understand this game more deeply! Thank you!I am already following your X! I look forward to more posts from you! Thank you!