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Very nicely done I didn't know what to expect but I enjoyed you're game :)

Really enjoyed the VHS style once more. Have to admit this is one of the only games that have given me a proper jump scare <3

Really neat experience ^-^ The different paths were cool as was trying to figure out what was real and what wasn't. I'm diagnosed with schizophrenia so it was definitely a chilling experience.

Thanks for your support, really appreciate it and thanks for playing! Checkout Grainwind Incident 77 if you want more, doing a whole series of urbex vhs games! Cheers

What a game. It took me a while to get thru all the endings.  Awesome game, thanks for making it.

Thanks for playing and you are welcome! 

Hi, does this game runs also on macOS? Or only on windows? It seems cool!


Windows only unfortunately and thanks!

This takes me back to all the weird times I've had on the subway lol but good job doing what you've done with the game and it was fun messing around with! 

hi, big thx for the great game. greetings from rosti 🥰

I liked the atmosphere it was short..nice!

This is an awesome game! I have this game in a video where I play 3 spooky games 

I love these VHS style games, and the story twist at the end was DOPE!! 

Enjoyed the style of this game 

Really enjoyed the VHS style once more. Have to admit this is one of the only games that have given me a proper jump

scare ha!

Odlična igrica, hvala na gradnji i nadam se da će još ovakvih igrica biti! Dobra tema i koncept!

I've played several of your games already and I loved all of them :). I really like the VHS style of atmosphere. The game ran fine for me and I didn't experience any bugs.  I have recommended this game to some of my youtube friends already :P. Here's a video I put together I hope you enjoy it enough to subscribe it really helps me out :)

Congrats, you scared the hell out of me 😮😮😮

I really loved the twist in this one! I think I discovered a glitch where the VHS tape disappeared when trying to play it in the apartment, but I thoroughly enjoyed the suspense in this one.

I will avoid to write any article about it. Sorry, but ... nah . Never mind.

Ehm... Is that real single ending? Uhm, I don't know. I just say I was breaking always I went to train in next platform.  I'll should play this bug fixes, I guess.

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got stuck at the big eye thing and left the room. also couldn't continue, becuase the visual hurt my eyes


Yes dude. Me too. Also I was trapped in metro bug before it :/ I run from both murders and when I go enter ... paft ... crash. I am forced to go that clinic, and there, so weird stuff, the same rust key is used at the eye room door! o.O hahahahaha I will record other two that. But it is impossible, we shouldn't be trapped there. I agree you. It's weird game. So dark in there and we cannot interact anything just close/open doors. o.O

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Uhm! Tormentor, look at skeleton. Seek where it is gazing! geez!!!!!!!!! hahahahahah

was an odd experence but hey most games are anyhow!

nice! starts at 13:15.

In my video, this is the last game I played. I got lost on the doctor office part after i got locked in the room but managed to find my way out. Overall. The story and gameplay was great for this game.

I have never road on a subway and after playing this I am more then good on it. This game really had time put into it great work! 

This takes me back to all the weird times I've had on the subway lol but good job doing what you've done with the game and it was fun messing around with! 

Loved it! I got lost for like 30 minutes but that was my fault LOL. Out of the games of yours I've played this easily ranks highly on the list. Here's my gameplay if you're interested in checking it out. Thank you for making it!

nice game

This is definitely a weird game. I loved the two paths the game gives 

you. But, one path is VASTLY superior to the other. With out spoiling 

too much, the AI in this game need a helluva lot of work to make the 

“key” path seem remotely fun or scary. The “doctor” path was better as 

a narrative, but lacked could use more content to make it truly 

memorable. I love that there are not only multiple endings, but the 

game can be played in non-linear fashion. 

There were things going on that I didn’t put together until I played through more than once. It’s not 

done nearly enough in games, so it’s great to see it here. I really liked 

the look of this game but it was unclear at times where I was supposed 

to go. Also there was no way to know how much health I had and the I 

got cornered so I couldn’t run from the hammer guy once 

In the end I just want to conclude that the game story is well balanced 

Just need to work on graphics and control settings.

(1 edit)

This is definitely a weird game. I loved the two paths the game gives you. But, one path is VASTLY superior to the other. With out spoiling too much, the AI in this game need a helluva lot of work to make the "key" path seem remotely fun or scary. The "doctor" path was better as a narrative, but lacked could use more content to make it truly memorable. 

Overall, I give the game 7/10.  Keep making more!

awesome game devs keep up check out my gameplay if you want some jump scares and funny moments 

I loved the story! Super creepy atmosphere and loved exploring around the areas. Always a fan of VHS styled games, and this was a terrifying experience! 

This is a great little horror game! I love that there are not only multiple endings, but the game can be played in non-linear fashion. There were things going on that I didn’t put together until I played through more than once. It’s not done nearly enough in games, so it’s great to see it here. I can’t wait to see more from you! Great work!👍🏼
(1 edit)

Fun game, love the setting. Also I like the cam-style gameplay. Will sure check out your other projects!

Big mommy milkers 

My GOLLY GOSH this scared the beejebus out of me! I couldn't beat it because I suck at horror games, but this was great nevertheless

This was a great game, I totally missed the keycard lol! I'll have to go back and play it again to get the second ending :)

That was awesome! Made you a lil video: 

I only got one ending. I was too lazy to get the other. Nice game tho!

Crazy game!  Had a hard time finding my way at times.  Cheers!

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