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This was the first game I played in my video where I tried 5 horror games all themed around the sewers. I include a breakdown of my thoughts in the video but for those reading here and now, it's solid. The entity being able to one-hit you is annoying, and understanding the AI's paths is difficult, but the game is also free by default, and I think for a free horror game there are more positives to take from this than negatives. A great experience. Good job, Aza Games.

PS. The homeless guy by the trash scared the shit out of me.

Thanks for playing glad you enjoyed the game.

Thank you for recommending me this one, I am sorry I didn't get to find both endings, but only the bad ending. I will come back to this game in the next mini horror stream. It gave me a Cage Face vibes a lot, really put me on edge and certainly screamed! I think I did need to learn to navigate and watch out for that skinwalker :P Your game is at 01:58:57

no one here gets out alive 

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I really loved your game! I was kinda led to it after playing Ratman which was also excellent. This game scared the shit out of me but I had so much fun playing it! Thank you! You can check out my experience in the video below 🙂 Both Endings in it.

Comments below clip;

You've created a crispy and crystal-clear, claustrophobic atmosphere in this game.  The natural fear of fire, kept me at bay first, until I ran out of other options. As is very obvious, I managed to get the bad ending :o]

I hope others are more lucky.

Well done and thanks for me having such a great time playing the game.

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I really enjoyed playing this game. The atmosphere is super creepy, the scares made me scream and I love how there are so many different ways you can go! Good job! (: 

It‘s scary.

(5 edits)

Game was super well made, jumpscares were good, and the ambiance was great. After a bit of trial and error i managed to get both endings, hurray !

Here is my playthrough if you want to give it a watch :)

Thanks for playing glad you enjoyed the game! More games coming soon :)

Holy Moly! I almost got a Heart attack xD! Nice game tho! 

The game was really fun, and definitely scared me when the monster seemed to charge at me from nowhere. It was a real challenge getting through the sewers, it was so easy getting lost and I think I managed to loop myself back to the shelf room multiple times. I did get surprised by the man in the sewers, the first time I came across him I accidentally triggered him without even realising he was there.

Pretty neat! Although i think my game was bugged. Not sure how else to get the good ending xD

Thanks for playing! Not a bug haha, you where going the right path for good ending but you must press C to crawl. Cheers

As always your amazing games, each game surprises me more it was a great experience, the atmosphere and the noises everything's good!! keep it up dude. 

Gameplay PT-BR


Thanks for playing, more games coming soon!

Your visual style is my favorite, so please keep the games coming! If anyone reading this is having trouble getting through the game, I got both endings in my video below:

Thank you so much! I will, if you haven't already be sure to wish-list my game Catacombia on Steam!

Already wishlisted my dude! Looking forward to it!

Thank you! Got some more free ones in the making too! Cheers

This game was really shot but good. I really didn't get how to beat it we just kept dying. We were trapt lol. Anyway, it was fun to play you can check out my reaction to the game on my channel!

Holy crap this game is absolutely amazing. Wasn't many jump scares and couldn't get the good ending but was very creepy! Love lost footage horror games so this was a gold mine!

Damn, dude.. This game is pretty scary! It made me jump multiple times and make some weird noises haha. Great job on this! I almost gave up on the good ending but I kept coming back to it and finally escaped! Hella fun, man.


Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed the game and managed to pull through and get both endings! You'll be happy to know i got another similar game coming soon!

Me re copó el juego con su estilo found footage y aparte me llevé varios sustos xD siempre recordaré haber jugado esto 

Loved your game! Excellent atmosphere and feel. I enjoyed it very much. Here's my playthrough, if anybody's interested.

You see a lot of indie games try to create an atmosphere of horror through the "Found Footage" method, but more often than not they just don't turn out great. They can feel forced and it takes away some of the fear. This one does not fall into that category. With the incredible atmosphere that has been created, there are actual genuine moments of fear that I have, and I very rarely get afraid or scared by something in games. I will say my one real complaint is that the loud mice in the sewers seemed like a tad much, but the rest of the noises and ambiance is on point. Plus, the absolute uncertainty of what is actually going on with the creature itself, the weird extra paranormal bits, and even the different endings makes this game one that can actually induce fear. On top of that, with the sewer acting as a maze, that adds an entire extra layer of anxiety to the mix. 

Overall, this game was EXTREMELY well made, and was one of my favorite horror games, and definitely one of my favorite One and Done indie games to date. 

Amazing job.

(3 edits) (+1)

Thank you very much for the play through and your feedback! The whole theme for this series has always been the theme of claustrophobia in a 90s VHS Found footage horror fueled by realistic situations and of course also inspired by found footage movies. I am very excited for my next project CATACOMBIA, which will take place in Paris Catacombs, the project has been funded and has a composer on it who has worked with the famous Akira Yamaoka from the Silent Hill franchise. The project is currently in testing and steam page will come up sooner or later, it will be a much more polished experience featuring more VHS mechanics and longer gameplay etc. Oh and a tip if you wanna try get the good ending, after you get the key and open the door to the room with the woman eaten by rats, try go the opposite direction and around, listen  for a sleeping homeless man, and sneak past him to his sides, don't wake him up. Past this point you will find a door for the other key you collected!
Thank you so much for playing and glad you enjoy my terrifying vision!


Sorry I'm seeing this so late, I never received a notification for a comment! 
I'll definitely keep an eye out for CATACOMBIA, that sounds like an awesome experience!

Thank you, no problem!
I actually have a few VHS titles upcoming for my VHS series.
Here is some sneak peak trailers!


Scary game! I almost couldn't bring myself to finish it. Made a awesome thumbnail for it.


Nicely down! I love those vhs/camera recording vibes.  Took me a few tries before finding my way out, really enjoyed the game.  Cheers, 

Mój strach za wasz uśmiech :D - ALL ENDINGS!


Great Game Devs 

: )

Loved the feel of it, very reminiscent of "vanish" which gave me literal tremors while playing it LUL. I played this as part of my "3 scary games" playlist so i hope you enjoy =) 

to intense!

I wasn't able to get good ending unfortunately. I guess I also rushed a bit and didn't find the key, like always. But this was really cool game, the VHS style and sewers atmospheric was so creepy. Also unexpected deahts! :D

nice game, only got 1 ending but scary jump scares lol

Thanks for this, really enjoyed it! Good ending was tough to get but cool, appreciate how different the endings are :)

Great game. Loved the creepy atmosphere and VHS design.

We got both endigs.

Deleted post

This game was super fun to play the grainy vhs layer adds a real horror touch along with the nightvision of the camera, looking back i only found the bad ending but will definately play again to find the good one! 

 The skinwalker model is really creepy it would of been nice to have some fleshy sounds and growls as it was moving along, although it was just as horrifying when it didn't, a thouroughly good game that was a joy to play.

Video link

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I streamed this game and put the Let's Play up on my YouTube! It was definitely a good scare and worth playing!

Really fun game, although I couldn't find the good ending. Definitely gonna give it a second try for the better ending.

Thanks for the great game :D

Told Ya!


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I very much enjoyed the game! It had a terrifying vibe and the skinwalker scared the bejeezus out of me. I had a lot of fun let's playing it and had to change underpants twice.

I don't understand adults who are shitting in their pants. I hope they're just joking. Please tell me you're joking and you didn't really shit into your pants. And if you did... Don't Tell People!


Well I'm actually still 17 years old so technically I'm not an adult yet and can still get away with it. But no I didn't actually shit my pants, I just like to change my underpants every 7 minutes and 23 seconds to establish dominance over my underwear

I really enjoyed this game and I am excited to see what you make next. The ambience is perfect and I get the same chills as I do from vanish!

Thanks for playing & Glad you enjoyed the game!

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