A downloadable game for Windows

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Story ⚫

A explorer ventures out on a rainy night to explore Bloodmoon church and cemetery which is said to be home to urban legends and paranormal activity. It is the night of the rare blood moon, and legends foretell of a certain protector roaming this area who's specifically protecting the locked up church. Now it is up to you to explore the area, find a way into the church and solve the mystery behind this place.

Bloodmoon Church is a 90s VHS Found Footage cryptid horror inspired by 80/90s retro horror movies.

Average runtime 15-25 Minutes.


HIDE IN LOCKER= E ( Hide icon displays in lockers )

ZOOM WITH CAMERA = Right mouse button


RUN = Left shift





Best played in 1920x1080 Resolution.

PS4 / XboxOne Controller Support - Connect before executing the game and it will auto detect input at launch. Due to auto detection you must disconnect controller before launching if you want Keyboard&Mouse.

You can adjust quality settings inside the game through ESC > Options.

You can view / edit controls inside the game through ESC > Controls.

Created by Aza Game Studio.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Bloodmoon Church Full Game.zip 1.2 GB

Development log


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As short as it was, pleasant to play.

Interesting game, congratulations.

Is this in 1st person?


Had a blast. Poor ghost pooch he was awesome! 


This game is so aesthetically pleasing, but also got the creepy vibe down ^-^ I really enjoyed the thunderstorm. Really fun to play. Felt pretty unique

This Game Was Pretty Good Azaxor! Great Sound effects forsure!

hi, big thx for the game. greetings from rosti 🙏😘

I played this game earlier this year. It was a good one. Thank you for making it!

I liked the VHS effects. Gargoyle was alil weird tho.

Splendid job on the sound effects, atmosphere, and tone! I had a blast playing this and got quite scared!

Had a lot of fun playing this game, it gave me the creeps when I could hear the creature moving around. Up until he actually charged after me.  The game overall was really good and worth the play.

 this was a fun interesting short experience, the map was really fun to explore the environment and atmosphere was spooky. also  kinda made me feel like i had to continuously look around for anything that could potentially pop up and scare me; kept me on my toes hah. was not expecting that towards the end but it was good made it more scarier. what i think tho is maybe reduce the vhs look a little bit, it kind of made it hard to see at times. other than that keep up the good work familia!

I wish i could've play more of this game, it was short but it was fun! really liked the ending :)

I enjoyed the style of this game but the sound design was superb, I even had to check irl when I heard a bump and realized it was in game. Great job! 

Love the camera pov!

So I just realized I played several of your games already and I enjoyed all of them including this one. I loved the old VHS style graphics. The over all game play was fun and it had a great eerie atmosphere. For a short horror experience the story was completed and interesting. I did not have any issues running this game and there were no bugs that came across. I would recommend this game :). I also put a little video together for you :P

While I was not able to finish the game it was still fun. I got to the dog showing me the box then couldn't find the code.  Regardless the VHS style graphics was  nice to see. And the menu plus font for the game title was cool. Great job!

Fun short horror game. Wish there was a little more to the ending but that's ok!

The monster is definitely from Tekken. Skip to 22:36 for my full gameplay from FRIGHT, where I play  3 scary games.

Gameplay BR, Bom jogo, mas tem o que melhorar, pensei que teria mais conteúdo.

Good game overall! I felt like the enemy didn't feel much of a threat at all to be honest, but aside from that I enjoyed everything about it. The style, writing, plot and models where all fun to interact with. Short but a fun sweet experience. Worth a try :) 

Game's really fun, though I'm not sure if the gargoyle insta aggroing me as I step out of the locker is a bug. Otherwise, nice game.

Here's my channel for other games I have played. http://www.youtube.com/c/Levont

Awesome game! Really scary! A bit confused what to do next once I enter the place, but I did it at last!

Made gameplay on this hope u like it. 

Hey if you're the devoloper of this game reading this I might want to get in touch with you so just message me on instagram @Danaemisdan also reply to me if you're doing so

Overall, the game was fantastic, the look and feel were great . the only issue was you had to get really close to trigger specific events which is really difficult in this game 'cause there's almost no visibility but other than that it was great. 

Hey there, Azaxor! Congratulations on this game. I loved it! Everything was cool but my fav part was definitely the gargoyle hahah so cool. I've made a video playing this game with hilarious reactions. I hope you enjoy.  Keep the good work! (3:50  for the first jumpscare hahah)

got stuck after I got the first key

The game looks pretty good! However, I had a hard time seeing or understanding what I was supposed to do. Check out the video for more!

I liked the idea of this and the setting with the VHS filter worked nicely! Classic horror themes with a good fluffy boi, what's not to love?!?

I did get a bit... actually a lot... lost in what to do, but the design of this game was great. The thing phasing out with the lightning was spooky, and I'm glad I got the ending I had hoped for.

Looks amazing good work <3

This was really cool! Really fun exploring and finding things throughout that were lit up by the lightning! Also really love the VHS style of the game! Only thing is after a while it did start to hurt my eyes! Other than that, it was a great game! 

The atmosphere to this game is extremely amazing! I wish some of the scenes were a little smoother though. I would of also liked to of been able to see a little more clearly. But overall the game was really entertaining and had me on my toes.

need to translate to PT-BR?

Sorry not looking for localization.


uma boa ideia, mas dificilmente jogos indies são traduzidos para múltiplos idiomas

Thanks for playing DarkPig 101!

Thanks for playing WildRozen!


Thanks for playing Pecan!

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